巨淀湖旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英語(yǔ)(游覽景點(diǎn) 英語(yǔ))
導讀:巨淀湖旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英語(yǔ)(游覽景點(diǎn) 英語(yǔ)) 河北白洋淀旅行作文(英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)) 常州旅游景點(diǎn)介紹用英語(yǔ)介紹 寫(xiě)一篇介紹景點(diǎn)的英語(yǔ)作文,80個(gè)單詞就可以了 英語(yǔ)介紹景點(diǎn)簡(jiǎn)單
白洋淀是中國海河平原上最大的湖泊.位于河北省中部.舊稱(chēng)白洋淀,又稱(chēng)西淀.是在太行山前的永定河和滹沱河沖積扇交匯處的扇緣洼地上匯水形成.現有大小淀泊143 個(gè),其中以白洋淀、燒車(chē)淀、羊角淀、池魚(yú)淀、后塘淀等較大,總稱(chēng)白洋淀.面積 336 平方千米.從北、西、南三面接納瀑河、唐河、漕河、潴龍河等河流.平均蓄水量 13.2億立方米.為控制湖區水位,在白洋淀東部自然泄水處建有棗林莊大閘,引入大清河北支的南拒馬河,擴大水源.由于南拒馬河含泥沙量大,淤積嚴重,湖泊面積和容積有不斷縮小的趨勢.水產(chǎn)資源豐富,淡水魚(yú)有50多種,并以大面積的蘆葦蕩和千畝連片的荷花淀而聞名,素有華北明珠之稱(chēng).抗日戰爭時(shí)期水上游擊隊——雁翎隊的故事膾炙人口.1982年干涸.1988年 大雨使白洋淀湖區恢復,成為旅游勝地.2007年5月8日,保定市安新白洋淀景區經(jīng)國家旅游局正式批準為國家5A級旅游景區. 白洋淀有143個(gè)淀泊,被3700多條溝濠連接,淀淀相通,溝濠相連,形成巨大的水上人家迷宮.淀區景色秀麗,物產(chǎn)豐富,一年四季,景隨時(shí)移.春季,水域清澈,煙波浩森,蘆葦翠綠,一片勃勃生機;夏季,蓮菱蒲葦隨風(fēng)搖曳,滿(mǎn)淀荷花盛開(kāi),湖內白帆點(diǎn)點(diǎn),使人暑意頓消;秋季,白洋淀天高氣爽,氣候宜人,魚(yú)跳水面,蟹肥味香、魚(yú)船隊隊、捕撈繁忙;冬季,白雪皚皚,冰封大淀,一派北國風(fēng)光,各種冰床穿梭往來(lái),如同燕子在空中飛翔,是一個(gè)巨大的天然滑冰場(chǎng),可任自由馳騁. 白洋淀的地形地貌是由海而湖,由湖而陸的反復演變而形成的,現在的水區是古白洋淀僅存的一部分,上游九河、潴龍河、孝義河、唐河、府河、漕河、萍河、楊村河、瀑河及白溝引河,下通津門(mén)的水鄉澤國,史稱(chēng)西淀.到明弘治(公元1488年)之前已淤為平地,地可耕而食,形成九河入淀之勢.以后人們看到淀水“汪洋浩淼,勢連天際”,故改稱(chēng)白洋淀.對白洋淀的形成還有美麗的傳說(shuō).相傳很久以前,一個(gè)中秋夜晚,嫦娥仙子偷吃仙藥,身不由已,飄飄然離開(kāi)月宮,就在她將要落入凡間的一瞬間,猛然驚醒,這一驚非同小可,隨身寶鏡落入人間,摔成了大大小小的143塊,形成現在的143個(gè)淀泊. 白洋淀歷史悠久,早在新石器石代,淀區的西部、南部(今安新縣的留村、梁莊)就有人類(lèi)活動(dòng)生自.春秋、戰國時(shí)期,淀區分屬于燕、趙統轄,以易水長(cháng)城(今安新縣北堤)為界,南葛城(今安州鎮)屬趙、北渾泥城(今安新鎮)歸燕,故今日淀區有“燕南趙北”之說(shuō).也正是這橫跨燕趙的活土,以其特有地理風(fēng)光,政治、軍事地位,為歷代所重視,令騷客詠嘆.宋代,六宅使何承矩在淀區筑堤貯水,引水灌溉建立屯田防線(xiàn).北宋名將楊延昭曾在此屯兵御遼.元代大儒劉因任教于淀區三臺、安州.清代康熙皇帝在淀區端村、圈頭、趙北口、郭里口興建行宮,先后40次來(lái)淀區游覽圍獵.解放戰爭時(shí)期,朱德總司令曾在白洋淀指揮清風(fēng)店、解放石家莊戰役,給這古老的淀區又增添了新的光彩.
Changzhou is a prefecture-level city in southern Jiangsu province of the People's Republic of China. It was previously known as Yanling, Lanling, Jinling, and Wujin. Located on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, Changzhou borders the provincial capital of Nanjing to the west, Zhenjiang to the northwest, Wuxi to the east, and the province of Zhejiang to the south. The city is situated in the affluent Yangtze Delta region of China.
Changzhou is the home of the China Dinosaur Park (simplified Chinese: 常州恐龍園) located in the Xinbei District of the city. The 5A rated Dinosaur Park has a collection of dinosaur bones and fossils from all over China. The park has 50 various fossils and more than 30 amusement programs including the Brontosaurus Roller Coaster and the Whirling Dinosaur Carriage. The fossils are located in a museum housed in a single building and the amusement rides are spread throughout the park which is categorized into six themed areas. Besides fossils and family oriented rides, Dinosaur Park is home to a giant panda and sea lions.
In 2011, a new amusement park called CC Joyland (simplified Chinese: 環(huán)球動(dòng)漫嬉戲谷) opened in Taihuwan near Taihu lake in Wujin District in the south of Changzhou.
The city is also home to the Tianning Temple— one of the largest Zen Buddhist temple and monasteries in China. The city recently rebuilt the Tianning pagoda in the temple grounds, which is adjacent to Hongmei Park. The pagoda, called the Tianning Baota, was first built during the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 907). Since that time it has been destroyed and rebuilt five times. The current reconstruction is built to the height specification of 153.79 metres (504.6 ft). This makes it the tallest pagoda in China and perhaps also the world. Both the Hongmei Park and Tianning Temple are located just to the east of the city centre.
As Changzhou is noted for its combs, the city has reconstructed its Fine Comb Lane area with contemporary architecture. Changzhou combs can be purchased in most places in the city.
There is the Hong Mei Park, which includes a small children's amusement park, a zoo, a rose garden and many scenic waterways. Of historical interest in the park is a historical pavilion with exhibits related to the Changzhou comb industry. In addition, there is another pavilion which displays locally produced root carvings. The park attracts large numbers of people during holidays and is often dotted with a variety of vendors.
Other sites include Changzhou's sunken city and area of archaeological ruins from the Spring and Autumn Period.
Changzhou also has attractive gardens such as the Wei Yuan.
Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.
鼓浪嶼是廈門(mén)的一個(gè)小島。就像水上花園。汽車(chē)和公共汽車(chē)是不允許開(kāi)到那里的,這使得島上非常安靜,可以聽(tīng)到鋼琴和小提琴演奏的音樂(lè )。
Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.
Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.
Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits
這就是鼓浪嶼,一個(gè)美麗而誘人的島嶼,在這里,你會(huì )受到熱烈的歡迎。
adj. 風(fēng)景優(yōu)美的;舞臺的;戲劇的
n. 風(fēng)景勝地;風(fēng)景照片
This is an extremely scenic part of America.
n. 旅行者,觀(guān)光客
adj. 旅游的
vt. 在旅行參觀(guān)
vi. 旅游;觀(guān)光
adv. 坐旅游車(chē)廂;坐經(jīng)濟艙
? China's? Great Wall is? the greatest? building? project? in human history of civilization.
It? was? built? in Spring? and? Autumn? period ,Warring? states? times,? two? thousand? ? ? years? ?ago.
After? the? Qin? state? unified? China.? The? chinese people? connected? the? Great? wall? of? various? states.
Two generations of? wise? people have constructed? The? Great? Wall? intensively.? ?Vast? its? project.? It? looks? like? rainbow? rolling? forward.? It? was? possible? to? be? called? ?world? miracle.
聰明的兩代人曾經(jīng)密集地建造長(cháng)城,擴展了它的工程.? 它看起來(lái)象彩虹,滾滾向前. 它有可能被稱(chēng)作世界奇跡。
It? is? the? must? for? chinese? people.? When? you repair? Great? Wall's? ?ruins? in? offical? ?days.
You will not? only? could? witness? Great? Wall's? apparance? that? meandered? in? the? hills? and high? moutains? ,? but? could? also? understand? the? chinese? nation? creation history ,? ?great? wisdom? and? courage of? chinese? people.? In? December 1987, Great? Wall? was? included in ‘’World? heritage? Name? list‘’.
它是中國必須付出的代價(jià),當你在正式的場(chǎng)合下,在廢墟中修建長(cháng)城,你不僅會(huì )見(jiàn)證它在高山和峻嶺中婉延曲折的情景, 也會(huì )了解中華民族的創(chuàng )造歷史以及中國人的勇氣和智慧,在1987年12月,長(cháng)城被歸錄在‘’世界遺產(chǎn)名錄"中。
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