

導讀:旅游攻略300字英文「難忘的旅行英文」 列一份香港自由行攻略300字怎么寫(xiě) 去歐洲旅行 英文旅行計劃怎么寫(xiě)? 求一篇80字的英文小短文。內容:1、說(shuō)明你想旅游的地點(diǎn)2、選擇這個(gè)地點(diǎn)的原因3、描述你的旅行計劃。 意大利的旅游攻略 英文版





在口岸過(guò)關(guān)的時(shí)候,散客赴港旅游L簽,費用一般是50元左右(羅湖30), 不少旅行社漫天要價(jià),叫價(jià)最少300元,部分旅行社甚至要價(jià)上千元。特別是節日的時(shí)候,相當狠。需要警惕。




③香港的士會(huì )收行李費,一般是每件5港幣(放在后備箱的,隨身帶的收錢(qián)就是坑你了)。

④港鐵、叮叮車(chē)、巴士、小巴都很便捷省錢(qián),的士是最不劃算的。但如有急事需攔的士,一定要看清的士的顏色!顏色不同,價(jià)格更不同!香港市區計程車(chē)(紅色),新界區計程車(chē)(綠色),大嶼山區計程車(chē)(藍色),收費各異,但全部均可往返香港國際機場(chǎng)及香港迪士尼樂(lè )園。






② 托運貴重物品需多長(cháng)心眼


4.香港內急指南(可以下載香港找廁所應用Toilet Rush )


② 次選:麥當勞、肯德基及大酒樓。大大的“M”標志,可讓在街頭一片茫然的你放松身心。麥當勞或肯德基一般在店內或附近設有廁所,雖然非常局促,但解決一時(shí)之需還是沒(méi)有問(wèn)題的。此外,像美心皇宮、稻香、鴻星這樣的大酒樓,都內設廁所,即使不去就餐,去借個(gè)廁所其實(shí)問(wèn)題不大。

①再選:星級酒店。千萬(wàn)不要被五星級酒店的名頭給嚇住了。香港的酒店星級再高,對所有市民都是免費開(kāi)放的。即使不是酒店顧客,進(jìn)去借個(gè)廁? ??,也沒(méi)有問(wèn)題。

④不選:地鐵站。在香港,千萬(wàn)不要去地鐵站找廁所,那無(wú)異于“緣木求魚(yú)”。與內地不同,香港地鐵站一般不設公廁,如果游客需要大小便,最好是在進(jìn)站之前解決,進(jìn)站之后再找廁所只會(huì )“徒勞無(wú)功”。實(shí)在內急,可向港鐵工作人員求助,他們會(huì )給你提供員工廁所救急。香港地鐵站一般都緊鄰商場(chǎng)或酒樓,在那里找到廁所并非難事。

⑥醒:千萬(wàn)不要在公眾場(chǎng)合大小便,這會(huì )加劇內地和香港的矛盾。



即使你是大款,結賬時(shí)發(fā)現高的離譜,你也會(huì )心情受損。新華社一記者去南丫島吃炒蟹,點(diǎn)了一只螃蟹,結果那只螃蟹最后收費840港幣!其實(shí)不光點(diǎn)菜時(shí)要確認價(jià)格,結賬時(shí)也要確認一下是不是按照那個(gè)價(jià)格算的,防止耍鬼。有一次被我發(fā)現,攤主卻一口咬定開(kāi)始確認的菜單上的價(jià)錢(qián)是原來(lái)定的還沒(méi)改過(guò)來(lái),他開(kāi)始會(huì )錯意了。爭了半天最后還是懶得較真,香港人的素質(zhì)也是參差不齊,一方面瞧不起大陸客 一方面卻靠這種卑劣的小市民手段欺詐大陸客。

②.會(huì )粵語(yǔ)講粵語(yǔ),會(huì )英文講英文。

在香港吃飯許多餐廳有兩種價(jià)錢(qián)的菜單,一種是白話(huà)(白話(huà)菜單看起來(lái)可費勁了),對當地人用的,一種是簡(jiǎn)體字,專(zhuān)宰內地游客用的。兩種價(jià)格差很多。去之前要把粵語(yǔ)學(xué)好防止被宰這肯定不現實(shí),但如果你英語(yǔ)不錯,建議用英語(yǔ),你會(huì )發(fā)現當你開(kāi)口和他們講英文的時(shí)候他們立馬覺(jué)得你高大上了!也就不敢宰你了。





④.在香港除了吃飯幾十塊錢(qián)的那種或是路邊攤,一般你購物的地方,或是大一點(diǎn)的吃飯的地方都是可以刷卡的,而且他們也會(huì )推薦你刷銀聯(lián)的。記得一定要刷信用卡,我有同學(xué)以前去的時(shí)候刷的是自己的儲蓄卡,匯率沒(méi)有及時(shí)轉換,100港元就是刷了100人民幣。而你用信用卡的話(huà),等他轉換過(guò)來(lái)后,100港元你只需要還款88人民幣。



買(mǎi)切糕你以為很少的一點(diǎn)東西,結果發(fā)現很貴。在香港買(mǎi)藥也是,許多街邊藥店設計了許多連環(huán)套,介紹價(jià)格的時(shí)候用斤或者兩,結賬他會(huì )說(shuō)標價(jià)是1錢(qián)。比如野生花旗參開(kāi)始說(shuō)680一斤,切片了告訴我們是一兩。680就齊刷刷的變成1萬(wàn)多的,最后我們說(shuō)報警。他心虛,讓我們離開(kāi)。后來(lái)出來(lái)一個(gè)天價(jià)藥品事件,浙江旅客魯先生,在香港海港大藥房(現改名香港大藥行)市價(jià)3萬(wàn)多的藥實(shí)際付了32萬(wàn)元,就是被商家以模糊斤兩的不良手法誤導。


一進(jìn)入藥房,老板講你身體不好(比如脾虛,陰虛火旺,介紹用石斛,決明子,三七花打粉沖服,能治好,? ??斛幾百元半斤再打折,送決明子,三七花各二兩,老板速度很快就打成粉,要收3萬(wàn)8千幾,一錢(qián)幾百元,宰您幾萬(wàn)元。)香港一般都用兩來(lái)計價(jià),如果你遇上用錢(qián)計價(jià)的,便要留個(gè)心眼了。不要被他的醫學(xué)術(shù)語(yǔ)所迷惑。



③香港不是個(gè)買(mǎi)攝影器材的好地方。大陸才是。特別是鏡頭。許多攝友都有此血淚史的。(鏡頭最好在自己所居住的地方買(mǎi)比較好,畢竟鏡頭不像手表是國際聯(lián)保(nikon的是港澳臺三地聯(lián)保),如果出了什么問(wèn)題修起來(lái)也麻煩,當然你如果懂行,做足了功課,建議有的鏡頭可以在香港買(mǎi),會(huì )便宜一些,機身還是大陸買(mǎi)吧)




①想好了要什么再出手,不要想著(zhù)到了香港再挑,我保證你聽(tīng)哪個(gè)專(zhuān)柜的小姐講都會(huì )動(dòng)心的。。

②和國內差價(jià)大的幾個(gè)牌子:蘭寇(這個(gè)的確差出三至四成,而且專(zhuān)柜再9折)、倩碧(比國內便宜不少)、嬌韻詩(shī)(沒(méi)活動(dòng)的前提下香港專(zhuān)柜大概是國內七成的價(jià)格,專(zhuān)柜買(mǎi)還再9折)、伊麗莎白雅頓(莎莎經(jīng)常有不同產(chǎn)品的買(mǎi)一送一,如眼部膠囊)、 Bodyshop(這個(gè)牌子國內還沒(méi)的官方渠道賣(mài),都是代理在作,所以有機會(huì )到香港買(mǎi)一些它家的小東西是蠻不錯的,像眼霜面膜頸霜這些,又不貴)。








①香港消委會(huì ):

消費者投訴及諮詢(xún)熱線(xiàn):(852) 2929 2222

熱線(xiàn)服務(wù)時(shí)間:星期一至星期五 上午九時(shí)至下午五時(shí)半

②香港旅游業(yè)議會(huì )投訴電話(huà)。24小時(shí)投訴電話(huà):(852)2807 0707


香港旅游發(fā)展局熱線(xiàn):(852) 2508 1234


②香港游報團絕對是個(gè)大坑。千萬(wàn)別貪圖便宜,君不見(jiàn)抱團4天,安排了3天購物,景點(diǎn)只玩半個(gè)小時(shí),購物卻隨便去個(gè)地方都要2至3個(gè)小時(shí), 不買(mǎi)夠數,不走,想吃飯,買(mǎi)東西,想去哪里玩,先買(mǎi)東西。不買(mǎi),就會(huì )被嘲諷。

③遠離被宰,請勿抱團?;c(diǎn)時(shí)間,做好攻略,自助旅行。就算不認識路但是至少不用受別人氣,你不知道吃1000只蒼蠅的滋味,會(huì )在你以后的日子想起就時(shí)不時(shí)反胃。

③ 老大去了香港,被宰的好厲害,導游嫌他們不買(mǎi)東西,換到很差的賓館,不買(mǎi)不準走,誰(shuí)敢抱怨,導游立馬走人。買(mǎi)的東西比大陸還貴,全是打著(zhù)香港的噱頭,其實(shí)都是些低檔暴利的垃圾貨。

去歐洲旅行 英文旅行計劃怎么寫(xiě)?



pratterstern(下車(chē)的站好像是比較大的一個(gè)火車(chē)電車(chē)汽車(chē)站?)——stephansplatz(地鐵U1線(xiàn)過(guò)去)——dompfare st.stephan(史蒂芬大教堂,很漂亮很壯觀(guān),但是夜晚看著(zhù)很驚悚)——godenkatafel(順著(zhù)路往前面走就能看到很多很多教堂)——ehemalige kurmeliter kirche(某教堂)——(2路電車(chē))BURGRING(車(chē)站名)——Mozar museum(下車(chē)就可以看到莫扎特博物館前面有雕像)——albrtina museum(博物館)——statsopern museum(實(shí)際上這一片是博物館區)——Karl splatz(車(chē)站里面又一個(gè)音樂(lè )廁所。。。0.7歐元一次)——karnter ring(歌劇院很漂亮~)——(往前一直走)wien museum(維也納博物館)——(斜對面)musik verien(貌似這就是大家所稱(chēng)道的金色大廳了實(shí)際上。。。很?。娷?chē)D路)Karlskirche(卡爾大教堂很美但是外面在動(dòng)工我們被趕了出來(lái)。。。天知道我們怎么進(jìn)去的)——(隔壁)technische universitat wien(維也納技術(shù)大學(xué))——(進(jìn)附近的地鐵D號線(xiàn))burgtheater(某劇院)


In next weekend I will go to hanzhou to take vacation. because hanzhou is a beatiful city and hanzhou has a long interesting history In hanzhou, the WestLake is very popular so I deside to visit the WestLake then I will go to waterpark. The waterpark is very big and interesting. I can swim in the waterpark and play with water. finally I will visit Yuefei's grave Then go back to home.

意大利旅游攻略 英文版

Milan (Milano), situated on the flat plains of the Po Valley, is the capital of Lombardy and thoroughly enjoys its hard-earned role as Italy's richest and second largest city. Wealthy and cosmopolitan, the Milanesi enjoy a reputation as successful businesspeople, equally at home overseas and in Italy. Embracing tradition, sophistication and ambition in equal measure, they are just as likely to follow opera at La Scala as their shares on the city's stock market or AC or Inter at the San Siro Stadium.

Three times in its history, the city had to rebuild after being conquered. Founded in the seventh century BC by Celts, the city, then known as Mediolanum (id-plain'), was first sacked by the Goths in the 600s (AD),

then by Barbarossa in 1157 and finally by the Allies in WWII, when over a quarter of the city was flattened. Milan successively reinvented herself under French, Spanish and then Austrian rulers from 1499 until the reunification of Italy in 1870. It is a miracle that so many historic treasures still exist, including Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, which survived a direct hit in WWII.

The Milanesi's appreciation of tradition includes a singular respect for religion; they even pay a special tax towards the cathedral maintenance. It is therefore fitting that the city's enduring symbol is the gilded statue of the Virgin, on top of the cathedral (Il Duomo).

Milan is founded around a historic nucleus radiating from the cathedral, with a star-shaped axis of arteries spreading through modern suburbs to

the ring road. The modern civic centre lies to the northwest, around Mussolini's central station, and is dominated by the Pirelli skyscraper, which dates from 1956. The trade and fashion fairs take place in the Fiera district, west of the nucleus around the Porta Genova station.

Milan's economic success was founded at the end of the 19th century, when the metal factories and the rubber industries moved in, replacing agriculture and mercantile trading as the city's main sources of income.

Milan's position at the heart of a network of canals, which provided the irrigation for the Lombard plains and the important trade links between the north and south, became less important as industry took over - and the waterways were filled. A few canals remain in the Navigli district near

the Bocconi University, a fashionable area in which to drink and listen to live music.

Since the 1970s, Milan has remained the capital of Italy's automobile industry and its financial markets, but the limelight is dominated by the fashion houses, who, in turn, have drawn media and advertising agencies to the city. Milan remains the marketplace for Italian fashion - fashion aficionados, supermodels and international paparazzi descend upon the city twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Valentino, Versace and

Armani may design and manufacture their clothes elsewhere, but Milan, which has carefully guarded its reputation for flair, drama and creativity, is Italy's natural stage.

Florence (Italy)

The Arno River runs through the center of Florence.

Florence is the capital of the region of Tuscany, on Italy's north-west coast. The cultural and historical impact of Florence is overwhelming. However, the city is one of Italy's most atmospheric and pleasant, retaining a strong resemblanceto the small late-medieval center that contributed so much to the cultural and political development of Europe.

Where Rome is a historical hot-pot , Florence is like stepping back into a Fiat and Vespa-filled Renaissance : the shop-lined Ponte Vecchio, the trademark Duomo, the gem-filled Uffizi Gallery, the turreted Piazza della Signoria and the Medici Chapels.

Duomo cathedral

The remarkable Duomo , with its pink, white and green marble fa? ade and characteristic dome , dominates the city's skyline. The building took almost two centuries to build (and even then the fac ade wasn't completed until the 19th century), and is the fourth-largest cathedral in the world. The enormous dome was designed by Brunelleschi, and its interior features frescoes and stained-glass windows by some of the Renaissance-era's best: Vasari, Zuccari, Donatello, Uccello and Ghiberti. Take a deep breath and climb up to take a closer look, and you'll be rewarded by fantastic views of the city and an insight into how the dome was so cleverly constructed - without scaffolding. The dome still defines the scale of the city, and no building in town is taller.

Bandinelli's Hercules and Cacus can be found in Piazza della Signoria.

Florence was founded as a colony of the Etruscan city of Fiesole in about 200 BC, later becoming the Roman Florentia, a garrison town controlling the Via Flaminia. In the 13th century the pro-papalGuelphs and pro-imperial Ghibellines started a century-long bout of bickering ,which wound up withthe Guelphs forming their own government in the 1250s. By 1292 Florence eventually becoming a commercial republic controlled by the Guelph-heavy merchant class.In the latter part of the 14th century the Medicis began consolidating power, eventually becoming bankers to the papacy . Florence became capital of the Kingdom, and remained so until Rome took over in 1875.

Florence used to be badly damged by war and floods (in 1966), fortunately the salvage operation led to the widespread use of modern restoration techniqueswhich have saved artworks throughout the country.


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