

導讀:馬爾代夫旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹(馬爾代夫旅游英語(yǔ)) 馬爾代夫天堂島英文簡(jiǎn)介 跪求關(guān)于馬爾代夫的介紹(英文)?。。。?!1 馬爾代夫的風(fēng)景簡(jiǎn)介 介紹馬爾代夫英語(yǔ)作文


天堂島坐落在北馬列北環(huán)礁,距離馬列國際機場(chǎng)及首都馬列大約9.6公里。蔥蘢的樹(shù)木,五彩的鮮花,銀白的沙灘,尤其讓人感到驚嘆的是散落在人間的度假天堂,愜意誘人的馬爾代夫天堂島椰林沙灘,旖旎的熱帶海洋風(fēng)光,給每個(gè)住在這里的游客留下令人難忘的記憶。 馬爾代夫是由很多個(gè)小島組成的,每一個(gè)小島就是一個(gè)酒店,機場(chǎng)出來(lái)必須乘船到其它的島嶼,也就是不同的酒店。在入境時(shí)如果你沒(méi)有辦法講出你所預定的酒店,那么海關(guān)是不會(huì )批準你入境的。 正如其名,馬爾代夫是天堂般的度假勝地。在這里,沒(méi)有手機、沒(méi)有internet、沒(méi)有汽車(chē),沒(méi)有了都市的煩囂??梢造o靜地坐在海邊的吊椅上,看海浪的起伏,任憑海風(fēng)從雙肩掠過(guò),帶去絲絲的失落,又喚回一些年輕的想象。 海灘水清沙幼,海水如藍寶石般,堪稱(chēng)世界一流,是海泳和沖浪的首選;而林立珊瑚礁和成群穿梭其間的熱帶魚(yú),又使其成為潛水發(fā)燒友的夢(mèng)想之地和海釣者鐘情之所。位于天堂島的亞特蘭蒂斯酒店(AtlantisHotel)是《福布斯》推薦的年度最佳度假酒店,酒店豪華瑰馬爾代夫天堂島麗,擁有的娛樂(lè )設施包括豪華賭場(chǎng)、深海水族館、人工海灣、水上樂(lè )園、游覽船和真人歷險游戲等,如同一個(gè)主題公園。同時(shí)酒店提供巴哈馬及其他國家的特色美食,加上當地豐富的海鮮,不容錯過(guò)。 天堂島是馬爾代夫非常著(zhù)名的度假海島。島的總長(cháng)度為931米,寬為250米。她的奢華遠超出你的想象。度假村內還另有有意大利美食、日本料理、海鮮餐廳、24小時(shí)開(kāi)放的咖啡廳等供客人自行選擇;度假村有各種水上活動(dòng)供您選擇:非機動(dòng)性水上活動(dòng)包含:獨木舟、帆板、雙體船、浮潛等;機動(dòng)性水上活動(dòng)包含:拖曳傘、直立單板沖浪、膝式單板沖浪、拖曳船、水上摩托艇、香蕉船等。



Sun, sand and sea, a thousand ‘Robinson Crusoe’ islands, massive lagoons with different depths and infinite shades of blue and turquoise, dazzling underwater coral gardens; a perfect natural combination for the ideal tropical holiday destination. However there is more to the Maldives than just that.


A string of pearls scattered over the deep blue Indian Ocean - The first glimpse you get of this fascinating atoll- formation confirms two unique aspects of the Republic of Maldives.Not only does it consist of the most beautiful tropical islands, but 99% of its 90.000 km2 is covered by the sea. 1190 islands are spread over 26 atolls, ringlike coral formations enclosing a lagoon, which gives the Maldives its unique paradise-like appearance. They stretch for about 820 km from North to South, 130 km at the widest point and do not exceed a length of 4.5 miles or an altitude of 6 feet above sea level. No more than 200 islands are inhabited, the rest includes the 87 tourist resorts and uninhabited islands, some of which are used for drying fish or other agricultural activities. The capital Malé, the seat of government and the centre of trade, commerce, business, health and education, is located in the middle of the atoll chain, a small island buzzing with the sounds and activities of about 75.000 people which is about one third of the population.

Legend has it that a prince and his wife, the daughter of the King of today’s Sri Lanka, stopped at Raa Atoll during a voyage and were invited to stay as rulers.

Later King Koimala and his wife settled in Malé with permission of the Giraavaru tribe, the aboriginal tribe of Kaafu atoll. Nowadays Giraavaru people are still easily recognisable through their clothes and hairstyle, but only a few hundred of them are left and were resettled in Malé in 1978. Their island, Giraavaru has been transformed into a tourist resort. Aryans from India and Sri Lanka are believed to have settled in the Maldives from 1500 BC onwards - according to latest archaeological findings. “Elu”, an archaic form of Sinhala (spoken in Sri Lanka) shows great similarities to Dhivehi. As a favourite stop-over on the busy trade routes, the Maldives have had many visitors and influences, trading with Arabia, China and India with coconut, dried fish and above all the precious cowry shell, a small white shell found on the beach, used as currency in countries near the Indian Ocean. These shells were found as far away as Norway or West Africa showing the extent of the trade relations of the Maldives.


The language of the Maldivians is Dhivehi, a language which is placed in the Indro-Indian group of languages. Dhivehi with its roots in Sanskrit and according to some researchers Elu, an ancient form of Sinhala, (spoken in Sri Lanka), is strongly influenced by the major lanuguages of the region. The language has been influenced heavily from Arabic since the advent of the Islam in 1153 and English in more recent times, especially since the introduction of English as a medium of education in the early 1960s.

Given the wide dispersion of islands it is not surprising that the vocabulary and pronunciation vary from atoll to atoll, with the difference being more significant in the dialects spoken in the southernmost atolls.

The Maldivian script known as thaana was invented during the 16th century soon after the country was liberated from Portuguese rule. Unlike former scripts thaana is written from right to left. This was devised to accommodate Arabic words that are frequently used in Dhivehi. There are 24 letters in the thaana alphabet.


馬爾代夫(Maldives)位于斯里蘭卡南方的海域里,據傳上帝創(chuàng )世紀初,開(kāi)天辟地后在印度洋上灑落了花環(huán)般的美地,那就是馬爾代夫,所以馬爾代夫又被稱(chēng)為"印度洋上的花環(huán)"和"地平線(xiàn)上的最后樂(lè )園"。馬爾代夫由露出水面及部分露出水面的大大小小千余個(gè)珊瑚島組成,總面積298平方公里,人口約30萬(wàn)。

馬爾代夫由北向南經(jīng)過(guò)赤道縱列,形成了一條長(cháng)長(cháng)的礁島群島地帶。一千多個(gè)島嶼都是因為古代海底火山爆發(fā)而造成,有的中央突起成為沙丘,有的中央下陷成環(huán)狀珊瑚礁圈,點(diǎn)綴在綠藍色的印度洋上,像一串串的寶石,海水清澄,煞是美麗。每一個(gè)珊瑚礁島的面積不會(huì )超過(guò)兩平方公里,就算是商業(yè)中心兼其首都的馬累(Male),面積也只有1.8平方公里大,環(huán)島散步也用不了四十分鐘。

馬爾代夫只有200多個(gè)島嶼有人居住,其余全是無(wú)人島,很多游客喜歡租用小船前往這些無(wú)人荒島尋幽探秘,體驗一下自由奔放的原始風(fēng)情。馬爾代夫的官方語(yǔ)言為迪維希語(yǔ)(Dhivehi),上層社會(huì )通用英語(yǔ)。伊斯蘭教維國教,屬遜尼派。

由于馬爾代夫每個(gè)小島的面積非常有限,自然資源不足,島上游客所需一切都需進(jìn)口,包括家具、新鮮疏菜,因此旅游開(kāi)支比較高。島上動(dòng)物植物也不多,擁有多種海鳥(niǎo),如野鴨、鸕鶿、麻鳩等,一些小島還可看到灰蒼鷺和鸚鵡,但數量較少。當地人亦會(huì )飼養禽畜,如雞、羊、牛等,自給自足。馬爾代夫的最大特色,就是其周?chē)乃驌碛谐^(guò)700多種的魚(yú)類(lèi),以珊瑚魚(yú)居多,它們的顏色、形狀千奇百怪,是世界三大潛水勝地之一。



馬爾代夫人講禮貌、重禮節,他們相見(jiàn)時(shí)互相拉住對方的手問(wèn)好。馬爾代夫人純樸、好客,朋友到家,主人會(huì )拿出家里最好的食物款待客人。


Maldivians polite, heavy etiquette, they meet each other when pull the other hand to say hello. Maldivians simplicity and hospitable, friend home, master meeting took home the best food to guests.

Maldivians with Islam is the state religion, there are many religions customs, such as alcohol, fasting pork, the daily prayer five inferior.

The maldives, the main traffic is a ship, bicycle and water planes. The maldives tourism island itself has its own traffic, carrying their guests. Tourists arrived at the airport, the relevant tourism island management may send vessels, helicopters or flight receivement and tourists to choose the resort hotel.


Ships is the main mode of transport, maldives it price also is calculated according to the distance, could start on the boat, after to buy tickets.

The maldives, the most common maritime traffic tool is called a rudder ness (Dhoanis) local manufacturing ships. Trip fee is about in MRF50 to MRF100 between, this will depend on the individual owners and decide. Of course, the weather is considered one of the factor. Rudder nice ships is through the horse tired international airport (Hulhule) and horse tired capital between main transport.

馬爾代夫的主要交通工具是船、自行車(chē)和水上飛機。馬爾代夫群島的旅游島嶼本身?yè)碛凶约旱?a href='/jiaotong/' target=_blank>交通,運載他們的客人。游客抵達機場(chǎng)后,有關(guān)旅游島嶼的管理層就會(huì )派船只、直升機或飛機接送游客到選擇的渡假旅館。





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