

導讀:角樓旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英文(關(guān)于上海著(zhù)名景點(diǎn)的英語(yǔ)介紹) 泰國旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹 蘇州著(zhù)名旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹有哪些? 我想知道一點(diǎn)景點(diǎn)的英文介紹 張家界旅游景點(diǎn)中英文介紹


1,曼谷泰國大王宮(Grand palace, Bangkok, Thailand)

Bangkok Thailand's grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand's Bangkok dynasty king I to king viii.


The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bangkok.


Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bangkok.


2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)

Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bangkok grand palace.


It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.


The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.


3,普吉島(Island of phuket)

Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.



Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.



phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.


It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.





The Humble Administrator's Garden (or Zhuozheng Yuan) is one of four great Chinese gardens. At 51,950 m?? it is the largest garden in Suzhou and generally considered the finest garden in southern China. In 1997, Zhuozheng Yuan, along with other classical gardens of Suzhou was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The garden's site was a scholar garden during the Tang Dynasty, and later a monastery garden for the Dahong Temple during the Yuan Dynasty. In 1513, during the Ming Dynasty reign of Emperor Zhengde, an administrator named Wang Xianchen appropriated the temple and converted it into a private villa with gardens, which were constructed by digging lakes and piling the resultant earth into artificial islands. The garden was designed in collaboration with the renowned Ming artist Wen Zhengming, and was as large as today's garden, with numerous trees and pavilions. The Wang family sold the garden several years later, and it has changed hands many times since.


Past temple in Peking

The past temple in Peking is clear and pure two the imperial palace of on behalfs, call the Forbidden City again.The in the past palace is all the " elephant a 立 temple" with the form

Show the monarchic power" accept order in day".Because the gentleman is an Emperor, Emperor of the palatial as if" purple temple" that a 帝 live forbids

Ground, past a Forbidden City.Past temple is started to set up in clear 永 happy four years(1406), 永 happy 18 years(1420)s set up

.Experience successively two clear and pure a dynasty 24 emperors.The past temple scale is great, covering 720,000 square meter, building area

More than 150,000 square meter, there is 9999 : house, is a biggest and the most complete ancient palace in the world building cluster.For the sake of

Outstanding king of 帝 to high and highest authority, the past temple has a pierces through the north inside in south in city in temple stalk line, stalk line in this

Top, according to the ancient system of the " ex- dynasty empress 寢 ", arrange king of 帝 give order, central three greatest 殿s in political power in symbol

( too with 殿 , moderate the 殿 , protect with the 殿 ) with 帝 empress lived behind three temple.( pure temple in乾 , hand over the 泰殿 , the 坤 is rather the temple)

In its 廷 part( pure door in乾 with north), or so and each become a palace for with emperor's father living- rather life temple

, with the palace that ether 妃 live- the 慈 life temple is a central and next in importance stalk line, these two next in importance stalks line is again with the outside

Dynasty ether with a text for is inside 興 , with the left side 華殿 , the right side of the 武英殿 acts in cooperation mutually.Two next in importance stalks line with

Central stalk line a thing for, thering is the temple of 齋 and cultivating mental calm 殿 , afterward namely for 姘妃 living six temple.Come from the defense

Demand, the outer circle of these palaceses building builds the temple wall that be up to 10 rice, four angular floor in Capes, have the moat outside.




地,故名紫禁城。故宮始建于明永樂(lè )四年(1406年),永樂(lè )十八年(1420年)建成















張家界旅游資源種類(lèi)齊全,山、水、溶洞、漂流、人文景觀(guān)、晚會(huì )俱全,主要的代表景點(diǎn)有:









土家風(fēng)情園(門(mén)票98元,集中展示了湘西土家族的宗教、演藝、建筑、手工藝、服飾、飲食等文化,是歷代土家族首領(lǐng)所居住的地方,擁有世界上最高的吊腳樓,如果你想感受到燦爛繽紛的湘西土家族非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)的魅力,是你到張家界旅游必須游玩的第一站) ,游玩時(shí)間:2小時(shí)。


3.張家界的晚會(huì )表演

天門(mén)狐仙(門(mén)票258元,該劇由山水實(shí)景演出創(chuàng )始人梅帥元任總策劃和總導演,由享譽(yù)世界的音樂(lè )大師、上海世博會(huì )文化大使譚盾任音樂(lè )藝術(shù)總監。體現湖湘文化深厚積淀、充滿(mǎn)濃郁民族文化特色、展現瀟湘大地多彩民俗風(fēng)情的藝術(shù)盛宴從此橫空出世。氣勢磅礴的宏大場(chǎng)面、強烈震撼的視覺(jué)沖擊、美輪美奐的舞蹈音樂(lè )讓現場(chǎng)觀(guān)眾如癡如醉),位于市區不遠處,如您的行程有在市區住一晚,那么晚上當去看看了。

魅力湘西(門(mén)票240元,魅力湘西原是一部土家族記傳史詩(shī),記載了土家族的起源、傳承以及在幾千年的歷史長(cháng)河中沉淀下來(lái)的民俗風(fēng)情。在這里,可以和純正的土家族人親密接觸,體驗豐富多彩的土家民俗風(fēng)情,了解湘西趕尸,湘西巫術(shù),辰州符這三大千年古迷的神秘內幕,目睹湘西奇人怪客的神功絕技),位于武陵源鎮,若您的行程有在武陵源住宿,晚上可以看看這場(chǎng)演出,定不會(huì )失望而歸的!


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