上海,大家稱(chēng)之為“魔都”,是我國國際經(jīng)濟、金融、貿易、航運、科技創(chuàng )新中心和綜合交通樞紐,首批沿海開(kāi)放城市。上海GDP居中國城市第一位,亞洲城市第二位,上海是世界著(zhù)名的金融中心。下面小編為大家梳理出上海十大旅游景點(diǎn)排名。
2.東方明珠 AAAAA級景區
4.迪士尼樂(lè )園度假區
迪士尼,是多少80后的兒時(shí)回憶,每個(gè)人都有一個(gè)童話(huà)夢(mèng),因為我們都有充滿(mǎn)這幻想的童年,來(lái)到這里可以踏上圓夢(mèng)之旅。上海迪斯尼是中國大陸首個(gè)迪斯尼度假區,分別有七個(gè)各具特色的主題園 區,無(wú)論男女老少都能在這里找到快樂(lè )的天地,身臨其境的感受神奇王國。
迪士尼樂(lè )園度假區地址:上海市浦東新區川沙新鎮上海迪士尼度假區。
城隍廟是每一個(gè)初到上海的游客必去打卡的地方,在這可以品嘗到地道的上海小吃和本幫菜,在這里還可以購買(mǎi)到各種上海土特產(chǎn),是集合景點(diǎn)觀(guān)光,購物餐飲于一體的區域。九曲橋和湖心亭,也是非常值得去的,著(zhù)名的南翔小籠包,一定不要錯過(guò)哦。每年農歷正月十五左右,城隍廟都有熱鬧的元宵燈會(huì ),非常有節日氣氛。
6.上海野生動(dòng)物園 AAAAA級景區
上海野生動(dòng)物園有來(lái)自世界各地的動(dòng)物,通??梢韵热ボ?chē)入區坐車(chē)參觀(guān)出來(lái)后,再到步入區去慢慢游覽。還能觀(guān)看長(cháng)頸鹿、大象、火烈鳥(niǎo)等動(dòng)物表演,還有深受小朋友們歡迎的小動(dòng)物樂(lè )園,體驗親手投食給羊駝的樂(lè )趣,讓人有了與野生動(dòng)物親密接觸的機會(huì )。此外,園區內還有機動(dòng)游樂(lè )區,觀(guān)賞動(dòng)物之余,還能刺激一番。
偷得浮生半日閑,田子坊展現給大家的更多是上海親切、溫暖和嘈雜的一面,只要你在這上海灘最有味道的弄堂里走一走,就能體會(huì )到田子坊與眾不同的個(gè)性。走在田子坊,迂回穿行,在迷宮般的弄堂里,一家家特色小店和藝術(shù)作坊就這么不經(jīng)意的跳入你的視線(xiàn),在這里回味一下老上海的弄堂生活場(chǎng)景,別有一番風(fēng)味。
9.上海杜莎夫人蠟像館 AAAA級景區
10.豫園 AAAA級景區
迪士尼、歡樂(lè )谷、錦江樂(lè )園、上海動(dòng)物園、上海植物園、野生動(dòng)物園、辰山植物園、佘山森林公園、金山城市沙灘……
上海老街見(jiàn)證了上海的經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展。走進(jìn)上海老街,仿佛回到100年前上海的繁華集市。
二、迪士尼樂(lè )園
這是新起的旅游景點(diǎn),迪士尼樂(lè )園是國內的首個(gè)迪士尼風(fēng)格的大型主題樂(lè )園,以奇幻童話(huà)城堡為中心,擁有七大各具魅力的神奇園區,晚上更有大型煙花秀,所以這個(gè)地方不管是小朋友還是大朋友都非常喜歡的。
歡樂(lè )谷是一座大型現代化的主題樂(lè )園,在沒(méi)有迪士尼樂(lè )園之前可以說(shuō)是專(zhuān)美于前的,里面會(huì )不斷地推出主題活動(dòng),比如女人月,閨蜜節,踏春季等,同時(shí)因為位于松江,還可以順路去欣賞松江佘山的自然景觀(guān)。
野生動(dòng)物園里面住著(zhù)國內外的珍稀野生動(dòng)物二百多種,上萬(wàn)余只,園區分為步行區,車(chē)入區和水域探秘三大部分,和可愛(ài)的動(dòng)物邂逅,會(huì )喚起自己的各種童心。
南翔古鎮是一個(gè)集美食小吃,購物,悠閑娛樂(lè )等一體的千年古鎮,至今仍有古漪園,檀園等名勝古跡的。
田子坊是由上海特有的石庫門(mén)建筑群改建而成,是不少文人藝術(shù)家的創(chuàng )意工作基地。
東方明珠廣播電視塔,位于浦東新區陸家嘴,毗鄰黃浦江,與外灘隔江相望,是上海的標志性文化景觀(guān)之一。東方明珠廣播電視塔是集都市觀(guān)光、時(shí)尚餐飲、購物娛樂(lè )、歷史陳列、浦江游覽、會(huì )展演出等多功能于一體的。電視塔高467.9米,從上到下有11個(gè)球體串聯(lián),位于電視塔267米球體處的旋轉餐廳,是360°觀(guān)賞上海夜景的好去處。
上海野生動(dòng)物園,位于上海浦東新區南六公路178號,是由上海市人民政府和中國國家林業(yè)局合作建設的中國首座國家級野生動(dòng)物園,是野生動(dòng)物們的溫馨家園,是大都市里的天然氧吧。動(dòng)物園居住著(zhù)來(lái)自國內外的珍稀野生動(dòng)物200余種,上萬(wàn)余頭(只),園區分為步行區、車(chē)入區及“水域探秘”三大部分,與可愛(ài)動(dòng)物邂逅,讓您在野趣、樂(lè )趣、閑趣中赴一場(chǎng)人與動(dòng)物的美妙之約。
5、上海迪士尼樂(lè )園
上海迪士尼樂(lè )園,位于上海市浦東新區川沙鎮黃趙路,是一座具有純正迪士尼風(fēng)格并融匯了中國風(fēng)的主題樂(lè )園。樂(lè )園占地1.16平方公里,園內分為米奇大街、奇想花園、夢(mèng)幻世界、探險島、寶藏灣和明日世界六大園區,擁有蒸汽船米奇噴泉、十二朋友園、七個(gè)小矮人礦山車(chē)、愛(ài)麗絲夢(mèng)游仙境迷宮、奇幻童話(huà)城堡、古跡探索營(yíng)、雷鳴山漂流、創(chuàng )極速光輪等娛樂(lè )項目。
是集都市觀(guān)光、時(shí)尚餐飲、購物娛樂(lè )、歷史陳列、浦江游覽、會(huì )展演出、廣播電視發(fā)射等多功能于一體的上海標志性建筑之一,是上海市對外宣傳的重要窗口之一。
還有很多在電視上才能看見(jiàn)的動(dòng)物現實(shí)也能看見(jiàn)了,這能不讓人心動(dòng)嗎?而且秋季是野生動(dòng)物園最佳的旅游時(shí)節,小伙伴們不要錯過(guò)這次拍照合影的機會(huì )呀~
Top5:迪士尼樂(lè )園
作為一開(kāi)園就立刻成為世界上最具有知名度和人氣的主題樂(lè )園就不用小贊做過(guò)多介紹了吧。上海迪士尼度假區是一個(gè)全方位的度假目的地,集夢(mèng)幻、想象、創(chuàng )意和探險于一身,將延續全球迪士尼度假區的傳統,為游客帶來(lái)全球最佳的度假體驗。
準確來(lái)說(shuō),沒(méi)有任何一個(gè)小孩子和女生能拒絕迪士尼吧。這里就是你的童年世界,迪士尼讓你時(shí)刻保持童心,保護你的童真,這么美好的地方怎么會(huì )不讓人心動(dòng)呢?
東平< /a>國家森林公園坐落于祖國第三大島——崇明島中北部,是華東地區最大的平原人造森林,這里也是上海地區著(zhù)名的旅游勝地,國家4A級旅游景區,上海十佳休閑旅游新景點(diǎn)之一。
園內森林繁茂、湖水澄碧、百鳥(niǎo)鳴唱、野趣濃郁,以“幽、靜、秀、野”為特色,集森林觀(guān)光、會(huì )議旅游、康復療養、休閑度假、參與性?shī)蕵?lè )等功能為一體,是人們“回歸大自然”的最佳勝地。
楓涇鎮位于金山區西北部,作為中國歷史文化古鎮、國家4A級風(fēng)景區、“新滬上八景”之一。有朱學(xué)范故居、程十發(fā)祖居、丁聰漫畫(huà)館、人民公社舊址、三百園、楓涇三橋、楓溪長(cháng)廊、丁蹄作坊、火政會(huì )、金圃宅第、百年桂花園、中國農民畫(huà)村、金楓酒事館等古今人文景觀(guān)30多處。
介紹上海旅游景點(diǎn)的網(wǎng)站「上海旅游景點(diǎn)介紹上海旅游景點(diǎn)」 介紹上海旅游景點(diǎn)
首選 度假啦 旅游網(wǎng)很符合你的要求,不僅有旅游景區的介紹,并可以在線(xiàn)預訂旅游景點(diǎn)門(mén)票和酒店,而且是有絕對優(yōu)惠的~!喜歡旅游的朋友一定不能錯過(guò)這網(wǎng)站上的特色:在線(xiàn)模擬游玩 先在網(wǎng)站上體驗一下旅游景區和酒店,一定不會(huì )讓你失望的O(∩_∩)O
東方明珠塔于1991年7月30日動(dòng)工,1994年10月1日建成。塔高468米,與外灘的“萬(wàn)國建筑博覽群”隔江相望,列亞洲第一,世界第三高塔。設計者富于幻想地將11個(gè)大小不一、高低錯落的球體從蔚藍的天空中串聯(lián)至如茵的綠色草地上,而兩顆紅寶石般晶瑩奪目的巨大球體被高高托起,整個(gè)建筑渾然一體,創(chuàng )造了“大珠小珠落玉盤(pán)”的意境。
上海國際會(huì )議中心位于浦東濱江大道,與外灘隔江相望,與東方明珠一起組成小陸家嘴地區的一道著(zhù)名的景觀(guān)。 上海國際會(huì )議中心建筑總面積答11萬(wàn)平方米,擁有最為現代化的會(huì )議場(chǎng)館,4300平方米的多功能廳和3600平方米的新聞中心以及各種大小規格的會(huì )議廳及會(huì )場(chǎng)近30個(gè)可以充分滿(mǎn)足各類(lèi)會(huì )務(wù)的需要,中心還擁有各式各樣的豪華賓館客房,高級餐飲設施和舒適的休閑場(chǎng)所等。2001年這里曾是APEC會(huì )議的主會(huì )場(chǎng)之一,這也使這里對游客而言更多了一份神秘色彩。
陸家嘴中心綠地占地10萬(wàn)平方米的中心綠地位于延安東路隧道出口處,在陸家嘴金融中心區的核心部位,是上海規模最大的開(kāi)放式草坪。湖畔的景觀(guān)蓬主桅桿高28米,蓬形為白色的海螺,又像船帆,給人以無(wú)限遐思。 綠地進(jìn)口以"春"為主題的塑像,由8朵綻放的鋼結構"鮮花"組成。 蜿蜒在綠地中的道路,勾勒出上海市白玉蘭花的圖案,恰似一幅上海市市標,白玉蘭的中間,是8600平方米的中心湖,設計成浦東地圖版塊的形狀。 陸家嘴綠地的草皮面積6.5萬(wàn)平方米,有的是從歐洲引進(jìn)的冷季型草,四季常綠。綠地中央和北部點(diǎn)綴著(zhù)垂柳、白玉蘭、銀杏、雪松等花、灌木、喬木類(lèi)植物,充滿(mǎn)著(zhù)生機和活力。
金茂大廈位于上海浦東新區陸家嘴金融貿易區黃金地段,與著(zhù)名的外灘風(fēng)景區隔江相望。金茂大廈由中國上海對外貿易中心股份有限公司投資建造、管理,美? ??芝加哥SOM建筑事務(wù)所設計。金茂大廈總高度為420.5米,是目前世界第三、中國第一高樓,占地面積2.3萬(wàn)平方米,地上88層,地下3層,裙房6層,總建筑面積29平方米。大廈里有辦公樓、金茂凱悅大酒店、觀(guān)光廳等等。金茂大廈既有現代氣派,又有民族風(fēng)格,堪稱(chēng)上海邁向21世紀的一座標志性建筑。 88層觀(guān)光廳門(mén)票:50元(學(xué)生25元)。
松江方塔園是松江古城中一座以觀(guān)賞歷史文物為主體的園林,坐落于上海。全園占地面積182畝,園址原是唐宋時(shí)期古華亭的鬧市中心,東有愛(ài)民街、西有三公街,既是古代文人的會(huì )聚地,又是松江遺址的縮影。
1. 探險傳說(shuō)中失落的樂(lè )園 -- 在這里
前段時(shí)間,和朋友們去了一個(gè)極其神秘的地方探險,這一天的回憶是痛并快樂(lè )的。探險之地叫“美國夢(mèng)幻樂(lè )園”,位于上海嘉定區曹安路4498號。此地建成于1996年,僅僅運營(yíng)了五年時(shí)間就倒閉。網(wǎng)上關(guān)于它倒閉的說(shuō)法有很多,有說(shuō)是運營(yíng)期間失火,有說(shuō)是經(jīng)營(yíng)不善,還有說(shuō)是領(lǐng)導攜款逃跑。搜索關(guān)鍵詞,會(huì )出現靈異事件、鬧鬼、事故等等。樂(lè )園非常大,如果方向感不強,是不可能走遍的。進(jìn)入樂(lè )園后,手機信號全無(wú),相機電池還一度出現問(wèn)題,我們一致認為此地有邪氣。在園子里逛了一整天,我全程都保持著(zhù)神經(jīng)緊張的狀態(tài),希望探險的朋友們可以來(lái)嘗試一下。
2. 這里是上?,F存最大的石庫門(mén)建筑 ---- 在這里
作為上海目前現存的規模最大的一批石庫門(mén)建筑,建業(yè)里坐落在建國西路岳陽(yáng)路的交叉口?,F在這里成為新加坡嘉佩樂(lè )酒店集團入駐中國的第一家酒店——上海建業(yè)里嘉佩樂(lè )酒店。建業(yè)里正門(mén)位于建國西路 480號。由此進(jìn)入,會(huì )先來(lái)到一個(gè)佇立著(zhù)一座水塔的中庭(它原本是居民取水用的設施,由于無(wú)法移動(dòng)而被保留了下來(lái)),嘉佩樂(lè )擁有的 55 座聯(lián)排石庫門(mén)建筑就圍繞著(zhù)中庭左右兩邊展開(kāi)。由于石庫門(mén)內部空間狹小,因此每座別墅都被設計成了一間三層樓的套房。以單臥室套間來(lái)說(shuō),一層樓為會(huì )客廳,二樓為一個(gè)娛樂(lè )休閑室,設有電視、茶幾、迷你吧、酒柜等。三樓則是臥室及浴室。每個(gè)套間的四樓都有一個(gè)小露臺。有機會(huì )的話(huà)可以來(lái)體驗一下舊上海法租界的獨特魅力。
3. 蒼蠅館都能開(kāi)10年,因為這里有最好吃的小燒烤 --- 在這里
一家若不是朋友極力推薦絕對不會(huì )入眼的街邊燒烤店。據說(shuō)開(kāi)了十幾年,室內一共兩個(gè)房間,沒(méi)有裝修過(guò),僅僅是擺了幾張桌子幾張椅子,卻有絡(luò )繹不絕的客人,可見(jiàn)老板的手藝了。這家店只有葷的燒烤。推薦羊肉串,賊好吃???a href='/jixin/' target=_blank>雞心,掌中寶也很不錯。很適合挑個(gè)晚上和幾個(gè)朋友聚一聚,喝喝啤酒吃吃燒烤聊聊天,感受上海市民的愜意生活。
介紹上海旅游景點(diǎn)的英語(yǔ)(介紹上海旅游景點(diǎn)的英語(yǔ)句子) 介紹上海旅游景點(diǎn)
Shanghai this fashion metropolis is quietly changing the earth shaking. The lively transformation project of the Bund, Pudong super skyscrapers, and that in the old neighborhood in petty shops, this one after another big project in Shanghai unveiled the "movement", and added a lot of eye-catching new play point to Shanghai. If you're going to travel to Shanghai in the near future, it's a pity to miss out!
Huaihailu Road is not only famous for shopping, it is also a beautiful scenery along the way, where you can see more valuable cultural landscape. It has a lot of famous people in the vicinity of the former residence and historical protection buildings. At the beginning of May is a small building, but it is about a former history.
The Bund, Shanghai see brilliantly illuminated at night
Night Shanghai is more beautiful than the day in Shanghai, the United States, the United States a thousand times. The ancient buildings in the Bund on a full European style, romantic and charming. The surging river in the Bund before flowing West to East, there is always inexplicable feeling. On the other side of the rapid development of Pudong, where new, in contrast to the old the Bund District, people feel full of vigour in Shanghai. The Bund's night scene makes people seem to be in a fairy tale world, the city of lights......
Pudong 88 storey Jinmao Tower, the Oriental Pearl and crystal clear, blinking light on Vicenza, Shashi spectacular, the size of a ship ship in the river, like a meteor across the river, riotous with colour, its beautiful coat on the lantern, like a new bride on the Yangtze River to tell their own beauty. The Oriental Pearl from time to time shifting colors, like a bright stage spotlight, for the tourists who see dancers. The ear seems to ring out the old song: "night Shanghai, night Shanghai, you are not the night city".
Pupil art, look at the 3D illusion art magic show
3D立體畫(huà)展是一種新穎的互動(dòng)性展覽,不僅可以看,還可以玩。在展廳內,觀(guān)眾可以通過(guò)巧妙的站位,進(jìn)入3D營(yíng)造的立體空間,出現真人和畫(huà)面融為一體的奇特效果???D畫(huà)展,領(lǐng)略不一樣的藝術(shù),讓你身臨其境,欣喜若狂。3D畫(huà)展是一個(gè)零距離接觸3D藝術(shù)的機會(huì ),也是一場(chǎng)貫徹快樂(lè )的藝術(shù)盛宴。3D畫(huà)展包含魔幻3D藝術(shù)畫(huà)展、瘋子實(shí)驗室、怪博士的書(shū)房、3D體感游戲、重力逆轉室、前生今世鏡、杰克遜45度房間,魔術(shù)人頭移位、恐怖沙發(fā)等,還有小黃人哦~
3D stereoscopic art exhibition is a novel interactive exhibition, not only to see, but also to play. In the exhibition hall, the audience can through clever stations into 3D to create a three-dimensional space, strange effect and picture appear real blend. Look at the 3D exhibition, a taste of the different art, let you be on the ground, with joy. 3D art exhibition is a zero distance contact 3D art, but also a happy art feast. 3D 3D art exhibition, exhibition magic crazy laboratory, Dr. strange's study, 3D somatosensory games, gravity reversal chamber, the former present mirror, Jackson's 45 room, sofa, shift the head magic terror, there is a small yellow people Oh
上海3D畫(huà)展位于上海黃浦區西藏中路525號雅居樂(lè )國際廣場(chǎng)2F(人民公園旁、杜莎夫人蠟像館對面),交通路線(xiàn):地鐵到人民廣場(chǎng)站,從19號口出,直行200米至雅居樂(lè )國際廣場(chǎng)2樓。
Shanghai 3D exhibition is located in Shanghai Huangpu District road Tibet agile International Plaza No. 525 2F (opposite the people's Park, Madame Tussaud's), traffic route: to the people's Square subway station, from exit 19, 200 meters straight to agile International Plaza, 2 floor.
(ps: must remember to bring a camera)
Shanghai science and Technology Museum
由上海市政府在新世紀投資建造的第一個(gè)重大社會(huì )文化工程,以“自然、人、科技”為主題,以提升群眾科技素質(zhì)為目的,是上海重要的科普教育基地和休閑旅游基地。它位于世紀廣場(chǎng)的西側,南鄰世紀公園。2001年APEC領(lǐng)導人非正式會(huì )議就是在這里舉行的。上??萍拣^由天地館、生命館、智慧館、創(chuàng )造館、未來(lái)館等五個(gè)主要展館和臨展館組成,設有地殼探秘、生物萬(wàn)象、智慧之光、視聽(tīng)樂(lè )園、設計師搖籃、兒童科技園、自然博物等七個(gè)展區和立體巨幕、球幕、4D等三個(gè)影院。
By the Shanghai municipal government in the New Century Investment in the construction of the first major social and cultural projects, "natural, human, science and technology" as the theme, to enhance the quality of science and technology for the purpose of Shanghai is an important science education base and leisure tourism base. It is located in the South West of the Century Plaza, century park. 2001 APEC leaders' informal meeting was held here. Shanghai sci ence and Technology Museum, museum, Museum of life by heaven and earth wisdom hall, creating five major exhibition hall, museum and exhibition hall near future. The quest has a crust, biodiversity, wisdom, audio-visual paradise, designer cradle, children park, natural museum Pavilion seven and three-dimensional, IMAX dome, 4D three cinema.
The Oriental Pearl
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Huangpu River at the point of Lujiazui, and the the Bund World Expo Group across the river. Tower 468 meters high, ranking first in Asia and third in the world and around the tower on both sides of the Nanpu bridge and Yangpu bridge together to form a Shuanglongxizhu trend, Shanghai has become the symbol of reform and opening.
Town God's Temple, new food products
"To Shanghai not to go to Town God's Temple, is not to Shanghai." People say.
In a corner of Town God's Temple to mouth, mend the bowl, Cooper, dough, write letters, juggling, extraction, and see a diorama of clairvoyante...... These people now have seen them, and snuff bottles, cream bottles, tooth plug, thimble, feather duster gradually retreated as history. It is those handicrafts, enduring, always attract the majority of tourists favor for a long time, maybe this is the quintessence of Chinese culture lies, only those who can process real nation in the history of enduring.
Shanghai global financial center
Walking in the 474 meter high sightseeing day Pavilion, such as the cloud stroll. Overlooking Shanghai, on both sides of Pujiang beauty in fundus, can head up to feel the Oriental Pearl spire, the Jinmao Tower at the foot of the roof. 97 layers of the glass screen can be opened to the top of the bridge, once the weather conditions permit, visitors can directly look up to see the blue sky and white clouds, truly meet the man.
Lujiazui central green space
占地10萬(wàn)㎡的中心綠地位于延安東路隧道< /a>出口處,在陸家嘴金融中心區的核心部位,是上海規模最大的開(kāi)放式草坪,被稱(chēng)為“都市綠肺”。陸家嘴綠地的草皮面積6.5萬(wàn)㎡,有的是從歐洲引進(jìn)的冷季型草,四季常綠。綠地中央和北部點(diǎn)綴著(zhù)銀杏、白玉蘭、垂柳、雪松等花、灌木、喬木類(lèi)植物,充滿(mǎn)著(zhù)生機和活力。蜿蜒在綠地中的道路,勾勒出上海市白玉蘭花的圖案,好似一幅上海市市標,白玉蘭的中間,是8600㎡的中心湖,設計成浦東地圖版塊的形狀。湖畔的景觀(guān)蓬主桅桿高28m,蓬形為白色的海螺,又像船帆,給人以無(wú)限遐思。
The center covers an area of 100 thousand square meters is located in Yanan Green Road exit of the tunnel, the core parts in the Lujiazui Financial District, is Shanghai's largest open lawn, known as the "urban green lungs". Area of Lujiazui green turf 65 thousand square meters, there is a cold season grass imported from Europe, evergreen. The central and Northern green dotted with Ginkgo biloba, Magnolia, willow, cedar and other flowers, shrubs, trees plants, full of vigor and vitality. Winds in the green space in the road, outlines the Shanghai magnolia flower pattern, like a marked Shanghai City, Magnolia middle, the center of the lake is 8600 square meters, designed to the shape of the Pudong section of the map. Lake landscape Peng main mast high 28m, Peng shaped white conch, like a sail, in order to give people unlimited reverie.
Duolun Road, century old Shanghai
Cruise on the Huangpu River 黃浦江
Cruising on the Huangpu River, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the Monument Tower to the People's Heroes, the famous Waibaidu Bridge and Huangpu Park on one bank, and the orient Pearl TV Tower, International Convertion Center, Jin Mao Building and the newly rising Pudong New Area on the other. The Yangpu and Nanpu bridges span the river. From the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at Wusong and the magnificent view of the Yangtze River as it empties into the sea.
The orient Pearl TV Tower 東方明珠
The orient Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in Asia and third tallest in the world. It faces the Bund across the Huangpu River. When viewed from the Bund, the tower and the Nanpu and Yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as "two dragons playing with a pearl." The sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. The observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. The revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above Pudong New Area. The dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. The penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. The tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and accommodations. It has become the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in Shanghai.
Chenghuang Miao Temple 城隍廟
The Temple of the Town Deity is located south of Yuyuan Gardan. There used to be a temple to the local deity, whick the inhabitants believed would protect them, in every city. The city deities were frequently real persons to whom the town owed something. Today, an arts aand crafts store is in the temple.
Shanghai Xintiandi in Shanghai is an historical and cultural character of the city tourist attractions, it is unique Shikumen Shanghai-based urban construction, into a world-class restaurants, business, entertainment, culture, leisure walking Street. Xintiandi is located in the city centre, south of Huaihai Road, Huangbeinanlu and Madang Road between 30,000 square meters of land, adjacent to Huangbeinanlu Station and the North-South, East and West of the intersection of an elevated road. The project is the construction of a new era of tradition and cultural life of the city tourist attractions, with its fusion of Chinese and Western, old and new combination of tone, Shanghai will be the traditional Shikumen Linong and full integration of contemporary new construction.
上海市我國一個(gè)熱門(mén)的旅游景點(diǎn)之一,明年都會(huì )有大量的外國游客去旅游,這時(shí)候,導游們就需要用英語(yǔ)向外國人介紹上海。下面是我整理的上海旅游介紹英文 導游詞 ,希望對大家有幫助。
上海旅游介紹英文導游詞: Shanghai Travel and Tours Guide
Located at the center of the mainland's coastline, Shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. The municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. Shanghai is China's largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.
The city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. It is also a must on any agenda during a tour of China. Shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. More than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. The addition of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million.
Special tourist trains running between Shanghai and the neighboring provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. Shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms.
Visitors to Shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing China, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique Shanghai culture, a combination of Chinese and Western elements. Colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly Shanghai activities calendar, such as the Shanghai Nanhui Peach Blossoms Festival, Shanghai International Tea Culture Festival and Shanghai China International Art Festival.
Shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours, hiking tours, gourmet tours, rehabilitation and health care tours, study tours, Japanese young women's tours, honey moon tours, and convention and exhibition tours.
The Bund
The well-known Bund is a must for visitors to Shanghai. Fifty-two buildings lining the narrow shoreline of the Huangpu River offer a living exhibition of Gothic, Baroque, Roman, Classic Revival and Renaissance architectural styles, as well as combinations of Chinese and Western styles. They are also a condensation of the recent history of the city. The wide embankment offers ample room for strolling and is used by locals for morning exercises and evening gatherings. In the evening, colorful lights illuminate the area and create a shimmering image deserving of the name Pearl of the Orient.
The Yu Garden
The Yu Gardens are a classical landscape in the Southern Chinese style with a history of more than 400 years. Pavilions, halls, rockeries and ponds display the finest in landscaping from the Southern style as seen in the Ming and Qing dynasties. More than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls, winding corridors, and lattice windows.
People's Square
People's Square has become the political and cultural center in Shanghai since 1994, when it was rebuilt. In and around the square are a massive fountain named the Light of Huangpu River, 10,000 square meters of lawns, six groups of relief carvings that depict the history of Shanghai, the New Shanghai Museum, the offices of the municipal government, an underground shopping plaza, the Shanghai Grand Theater and the Shanghai Exhibition Center
The Orient Pearl TV Tower
The Orient Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in Asia and third tallest in the world. It faces the Bund across t he Huangpu River. When viewed from the Bund, the tower and the Nanpu and Yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as two dragons playing with a pearl. The sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. The observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. The revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above Pudong New Area. The dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. The penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. The tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and accommodations. It has become the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in Shanghai.
Cruise on the Huangpu River
Cruising on the Huangpu River, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the Monument Tower to the People's Heroes, the famous Waibaidu Bridge and Huangpu Park on one bank, and the Orient Pearl TV Tower, International Convertion Center, Jin Mao Building and the newly rising Pudong New Area on the other. The Yangpu and Nanpu bridges span the river. From the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at Wusong and the magnificent view of the Yangtze River as it empties into the sea.
Nanjing Road
Nanjing Road East, honored as China's No. l Street, has become an all-weather pedestrian arcade. Shops and restaurants provide products and services with their own characteristics, making it an ideal place that integrates shopping, restaurants, amusement and sightseeing.
Luxun Park
The museum and tomb are located in Lu Xun Park. LU Xun was an imminent man of letters. The museum exhibits Lu Xun's manuscripts, some of his personal effects, document., and photos. The headstone at the Tomb of Lu Xun is in the calligraphy of Vhio Zedong and reads The Tomb of Mr. Lu Xun.
Dr. Sun's Residence
Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution, and his wilr Soong Ching Ling, lived in this building from 1918 to 1924. It was in the residence that Dr. Sun Yat-sen met representatives of the Communist Party and fostered the first cooperation between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang.
Soong Ching Ling's Residence
This is the former residence of Soong Ching Ling. an honorary chairwoman of the People's Republic of China and the widow of Sun Yat-sen. She lived, worked, and studied here during the last years of her life.
Birthplace of the Communist Party of China.
In July of 1921, the First National Communist Party Congress was held in this building. The congress passed the Party's program and resolutions, elected the central committee, and declared the founding of the CPC.
Shanghai Library
The new Shanghai Library, which covers an area of some 80,000 square meters, has a collection of 13 million books and is considered one of the top ten libraries in the world. The library incorporates the open-stacks approach favored in the West, which allows for convenience in borrowing books.
Shanghai Grand Theater
Located in the northwestern corner of People's Square. the Shanghai Grand Theater covers 70,000 squat, meters. It is actually composed of three theaters. The theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies, chamber music modern dramas, and musicals. The theater also owns the largest, fully automatic stage in Asia. The theater has become a symbol of modern culture in Shanghai.
DuoLun Road
Cultural Celebrities' Street, located along Duolun Road and surrounding areas,is a living memorial to the modern cultural celebrities of Shang-hai and is also a condensation of modern culture. Such Chinese literary giants as Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Guo Moruo and Ye Shengtao lived and wrote here,making the road an important feature in China's modern cultural history. In addition, the famous Gongfei Cafe. Cele brities Mansion, the Shanghai Art Opera Troupe, and Hai Shang Jiu Li also display the accumulated cultural atmosphere of Duolun Road today.
關(guān)于上海的相關(guān)英文閱讀:上海 Shanghai
Shanghai is the biggest city in China. It is very beautiful, especially at night. Except for Beijing, it is also the central city of China. There are many big companies in Shanghai. It develops very fast. Tall buildings are the symbol of Shanghai. It has long history, but it is also an international city. Many foreigners visit to Shanghai. In 2010, the World Expo was successfully held in Shanghai.
上海是中國最大的城市。它是一座美麗的城市,尤其是在晚上。除了北京,它也是中國的中心城市。上海有很多大公司。它發(fā)展迅猛,高樓大廈是上海的標志。它的歷史悠久,但也是一座國際化大都市。很多外國人來(lái)上海旅游。2010年,世博會(huì )在上海成功舉辦。
關(guān)于上海的相關(guān)英文閱讀:我最喜歡的城市 My Favourite City
Shanghai is my favourite city in China. It's the biggest cities in China with an area of 6,340square kilometers and a population of 23.48 million. Moreover, Shanghai is the central city of our country. It's the center of economy, technology, industry, finance and trade centre. Shanghai is also an emerging tourist city, with profound modern urban culture and many historical monuments. It has successfully held the 2010 World Expo. It has become an international city with its high reputation in the world. In my opinion, it looks like a highly motivated youth with courage, strong willpower and ambition. I look forward to working in such an energetic city in the future.
上海是我最喜歡的中國城市。它是中國最大的城市,面積達6340平方千里,人口達2.348億。而且,上海是我國的中心城市,是經(jīng)濟,技術(shù),工業(yè),財政以及貿易中心。上海也是一座新興的旅游城市,具有深厚的近代城市 文化 底蘊和眾多的歷史古跡。上海已經(jīng)成功舉行了2010世博會(huì )。它已經(jīng)成為一個(gè)國際化大都市,在世界上享有很高的榮譽(yù)。在我看來(lái),它看起來(lái)像一個(gè)充滿(mǎn)活力的青年,擁有勇氣,堅強的意志和野心。我希望將來(lái)能在這樣一座充滿(mǎn)活力的城市工作。
1. 上海英語(yǔ)導游詞范文3篇
2. 上海概況導游詞3篇
3. 介紹上海概況的導游詞3篇
4. 上海城市概況導游詞3篇
5. 上海導游詞精選
老城隍廟 Town God's Temple
豫園 Yuyan Garden
南京路 Nanjing Road
外灘 the Bund
新外灘 the new Bund
玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple
錦江樂(lè )園 Jindjiang Amusement Park
徐家匯天主教堂 Xujiahui Cathedral
上海影城 Shanghai Film Ceter
上海工業(yè)展覽館 Shanghai Industrial Exhibition Hall
上海博物館 Shanghai Museum
上海圖書(shū)館 Shanghai Library
上海體育館 Shanghai Stadium
上海植物園 Shanghai Botanical Garden
孫中山故居 Former Residence of Dr.San Yatsen
黃浦江游 Cruise Along the Huangpu River
東方明珠電視塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower
人民廣場(chǎng) The People's Square
上海大劇院 Shanghai Grand Theatre
世紀公園 Shanghai Century Park
上海城市規劃展示館 Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC)
金茂大廈 Jinmao Tower
上??萍拣^ Shanghai Science Technology Museum
靜安寺 Jing'an Temple
上海佘山國家旅游度假區 Shanghai Sheshan National Holiday Resort
共青森林公園 GongQing Forest Park